Resolution 2018-02

Resolution regarding Enforcement of Florida Equal Access Law and Prosecution of Violators

WHEREAS, Florida statute 413.08(2) provides that the blind and otherwise disabled individuals are entitled to full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, and privileges in all public accommodations and any other place the public is invited; and

WHEREAS, Florida statute 413.08(3) allows disabled individuals the right to be accompanied by a service animal in all places the public is invited; and

WHEREAS, Florida statute 413.08(4) provides criminal second-degree misdemeanor penalties for denying or interfering with the rights of a disabled individual; and

WHEREAS, most law enforcement officers are unaware of these statutes and, even when made aware of them, refuse to file criminal complaints; and

WHEREAS, State Attorneys across the state often fail to pursue prosecution of these cases when brought to them, thus abetting the discrimination while marginalizing the civil rights of a disabled individual:

Now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the Blind of Florida in Convention assembled this twenty-eighth day of May 2018 in Tampa, Florida that this Organization and its special interest division, the Florida Association of Guide Dog Users, call upon all law enforcement agencies in the state to raise the awareness of these laws among its sworn officers and dispatchers; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Organization call upon the offices of State Attorney throughout the state to prosecute these cases; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Organization call upon the Florida Attorney General’s office to work collaboratively with us to raise awareness of these statutes.